
An invitation to an Instagram live event today

Dear Esteemed follower,

Our vision at Dishusbandmata has always been a passion for healthy relationships and we recognize that the current pandemic has also taken its toll on relationships especially in the family.

All over the globe, there has been a rise in the number of cases of Domestic Abuse. Being safe in our own homes is a necessity, especially during these Lockdown measures.

As you are aware, our editor-in-chief has always been an activist for Domestic abuse and out of a passion to help the hurting at this moment and to ensure that relationships remain healthy and homes are actually safe,

Gracilis(Grace Tom-Lawyer) is on Instagram as  @gracetomlawyer/ and you can follow her so you can receive an alert when the Live session begins. She will be having an Instagram Live Chat on  @allthatglittersjewelryintl   today at @7pm with Aida (Ada Oseiza) to discuss some pertinent issues.

We hope you can join us and would really love you to spread the word. See you @7pm today on Instagram









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