“The Perfect Picture” reloaded
One of the signs of a good book is the ability to enjoy it over and over again . Some of our artiles have been voted as most read and mostloved and some readers have suggested we put those articles in a categor “Timeless stories” and periodically publish them again. The article below is one of them which I believe is great for us to reread especially as we are almost 2 weeks away fro m Christmas .Enjoy I recently started a new job and am still in the process of knowing everybody. It is almost two weeks now but I still seem to be meeting new people daily. Just…
Changing my Yes
So today is Good Friday and while we remember that Jesus died, I would like to share my story of a relationship that died. I had hardly been months in a particular relationship and was not expecting a proposal so quickly as I had my doubts. So I was a bit taken aback when on an outing one evening, just by the car, he put one knee to the ground to ask for my hand in marriage.I was not overly excited or elated and did not give an answer until several days later. Some of my friends were happy for me and said the excitement may come later but somehow…
Woman Power
During a counselling session, a man was trying to explain why he had beaten his wife. He said that the words that came out of her mouth moved his hands to her body remotely. Although I do not condone any excuse for wife beating, I can totally relate as the womenfolk have an uncanny ability to aggravate the menfolk with our words.Nations have gone to war because of what women told their men in secret! I went to a boarding school which meant that we had fixed meal times without having to cook. Almost every term, I had a new plate to use which was mostly breakable to…