Frequently asked questions
Most frequent questions and answers
How can I be involved with Dishusbandmata?
You can help us by informing your contacts by word of mouth thus telling people about our work directly or spreading the news and our Blog posts on your social media platforms. We are an eual opportunity website writing articles that would appeal to all ages,race and gender.
You can Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Instagram and on Twitter @dishusbandmata.
You can also join our team of Narrators/ Raconteur who are involved in the recital of the Blog posts creating an Audio version of the Blog posts for some of our Followers who would prefer to listen to the Blog posts.
You can write for Dishusbandmata on a regular basis or on a Guest basis. We usually have a theme for every month of the year which is available for this year already.
You do not need to write for your story to be published, sometimes we write the stories after listening to the individuals concerned. Your anonymity will be preserved and the details of the story cross checked by yourself before publishing. If you do have a story, kindly email
Our passion for healthy relationships led to the birth of C.A.D.A. (Church Against Domestic Abuse ) and you can help us by spreading the word about the work of C.A.D.A. to your network.
Why are you called Dishusbandmata?
Can I invite Gracillis to an event or TV/Radio Show?
Can I also invite other writers to an event or a TV /Radio Show?.
Are there some other services available from the team ?
Are the writers paid ?
What is an ePUB?
Additional formats are currently being developed and will be available in the future.