Finally, my own baby 3
I got married in the month of September 2009, got pregnant in November the same year but miscarried 2 months later.
After the miscarriage, I did not conceive again till late 2010. This pregnancy was closely monitored. In the 6th week, late November 2010, my doctor, a consultant gynaecologist performed an ultrasound and noticed that my uterus was empty, he suspected that the pregnancy was ectopic and advised to go straight home, stay in bed and return the next day to see a consultant radiologist for a confirmatory test.
Unfortunately, it ruptured the following morning and an emergency surgery was carried out. God saved my life because I lost so much blood that two pints of blood and 2 pints of plasma were transfused. I remember asking the nurse for my blood pressure shortly before I was wheeled into the theatre, she told me 60/40. My right fallopian tube had to be removed during the surgery under GA (general anaesthesia) Left with only the left fallopian tube, it took almost a year for me to conceive again. Closely monitored by the same the same gynaecologist, we noticed early that it was also ectopic but the location was not identified until a surgery was done. It was located in the left tube which he had to remove as well in another surgery in November 2011. The surgery was planned and was done under spinal anaesthesia. I remember discussing with the gynaecologist during the procedure
Left with no fallopian tubes, the only options I had to have children were adoption and In-Vitro fertilization. Through all these, I always believed that I would have children and I continued praying.
I was praying for two things – the first was for God to provide the funds and strength for IVF and the second was for the procedure to be successful. One scripture that kept coming to me that period was Romans 9:16…” So then it is not of him that willet, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy”. (KJV). (I would say that it was the answer to my prayers).
As if to confirm; on one occasion when we visited my parents-in-laws; my mother-in-law’s prayer was “God have mercy, God have mercy”. I started praying for the mercy of God from that day. I had 2 failed sessions of IVF in the year 2012. The second was done in October, 2012. Two months later, just before Christmas, I fell sick with symptoms of malaria. My husband had travelled so I was home alone. I decided to take anti-malarial medication but forgot to stop over at a pharmacy on my way back from work. I was so tired and weak that I could not leave my house that evening to return to the pharmacy to get the drugs. Somehow it crossed my mind to do a home pregnancy test, till date I cannot explain why that thought crossed my mind because I was not hoping to be pregnant but thank God I did because it turned out positive. I became confused. Since my husband was due to return on the following day, I managed to drive to the hospital then pick him up from the airport. A blood test confirmed that I was pregnant and an ultrasound showed a gestational sac but nothing was seen inside. I didn’t see my own consultant that day but the doctor went through my history and became even more confused. He noticed that the last IVF was done in October which was about 9 weeks before that day, he judged that a 9 week old pregnancy should be visible on ultrasound. He told me that it was either a failing pregnancy or a completely new one not yet clear on ultrasound. He decided to do nothing and watch, and he sent me home to return in two weeks for another test. Meanwhile the blood test showed no signs of malarial parasites.
When I returned after 2 weeks, which was in January 2013, I saw my own consultant. An ultrasound confirmed a heartbeat with 7 weeks gestation. It became very clear that the pregnancy couldn’t have been from the IVF procedure done in October for the following reasons: 1. A gap period of four weeks could not be accounted for. 2. Both home and blood pregnancy tests done early in November were negative. 3. I had stopped taking all my support medication after these tests were negative. I had ultrasound done every 2 weeks till the 20th week and each time, the gestation increased by 2 weeks. On August 31st 2013, I was delivered of a healthy baby boy. I was never sick throughout the pregnancy. He was born naturally without any complications, even after my consultant gynaecologist had said that I had a better chance with a Caesarean section delivery. I was more than happy and willing for a Caesarean section. I got pregnant again in 2019. I did not realize in time because I was not going through any fertility treatment nor taking any medication. Though I had a miscarriage within 2 weeks after I realized (July 2019), I am grateful to God because I got pregnant even without IVF. My IVF journey is a story for another day. Was a roller coaster of emotions and expensive (imagine investing in a business with absolutely zero guaranty) . It was not just the tests, ultrasounds, tablets and injections; these have to be done at specific times, it was also about your body response. I remember that my response was particularly poor in the first session I had. The worst period for me was the wait period after the implantation of the embryo. This 2 week period is difficult for many women because you are usually advised to reduce physical activity, possibly stay in bed waiting for the outcome of the stress you went though. Therefore, there is enough time for emotions (worry, anxiety, meditations, calculations, insecurities perhaps… just name it) I met some strong women during both sessions whose testimonies encouraged me and made me not to feel ‘alone’.
I thank God and give Him all the praise because only Him could have done these great things for me. “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible” Matthew 19:26b (KJV)
I am really grateful to God I am now a mother and my son is celebrated his