Introspection,  Love,  Men Talk

Finally, …what Men want 6

Interestingly , there is just one more comment to report .

“I wish that when we first got married Babe knew that a lot of her decisions were based on the perceived need to maintain a happy home look…”

In this age of social media, there is a lot of pressure to keep up appearances. For example, say hubby is working on the monthly budgets and planning for investments to secure our future and yours truly (et moi) wants to dine at the newest restaurant in town which my friends are going to, so that I can update my status and let them know I’m still the Babe…
Society has preconceived views of what a happy home should look like and our social media platforms are flooded with picture perfect scenarios of holidays, dining-out, massive houses, etc.
No one wants to feel ‘left out’ and sometimes a woman’s decisions and desires especially after the honeymoon period, may not be as futuristically minded as her husband’s, who is saddled with the responsibility of taking care of a new family, organizing the monthly budget, as well as making investments for rainy days. Having these different views can sometimes be the cause of recurring conflict in our homes.

Every good husband wants his wife to have the perfect fairy-tale lifestyle, but sometimes it might take a little while to build the foundation. This might mean spending less on certain pleasures for the meantime and that’s OK .

There are also some homes where the woman is the one with the build-a-future mentality and the husband needs to let the world know that he has arrived by spending everything and saving nothing.
There is also the scenario where an impression of ‘plenty’ may have been given during courtship, but perhaps not intentionally. Most men will go that extra mile to take the woman of their dreams on the perfect date, buy things for her family and give her the wedding she always dreamed of, and we applaud them for this. However it is important not stray too far from reality during this process. It would be helpful if we remind ourselves that it is not necessary to be in competition with anyone and there is no wisdom in keeping up with the Kardashians.

So let’s be open and sincere with each other from the very beginning.

These were the top points from my brief research. Of course, there are many others and if you feel there is an issue we desperately need to highlight, please get in touch or leave a comment to that effect.

While all of these may not apply to one home, there will be bits and bobs that we can all identify with. Remember you and your spouse are in this marriage business together and forever, so make it work for you.

It has been an absolute pleasure reporting all these and learning along the way but I beg to drop the pen here f

Until next time, this is your girl Keisha, reporting to you from Dishusbandmata.

Keeping it real

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