Attitude,  Resolutions/Change

Positive Affirmations

Even though his birthday had passed, for some unexplainable reason, my son was singing “it’s my birthday, am gonna do what I like, am gonna eat what I like, everybody loves me, it’s my birthday”

As usual his twin sister got irritated and said” it’s not your birthday”.

He said ” ehnn, leave me”
And he kept singing.

Moments later she said “you can’t do what you like”

He said ” maybe you can’t but I can”
And he kept on singing.

She said “not everybody loves you”

At this point, he didn’t even bother to reply, he just kept singing.

Much louder this time.
Got to a stage where the only thing he was singing was “everybody loves me”

At a point we couldn’t hear her again, just the sound of his singing.

As expected, she got tired of challenging everything he said and kept quiet.

Only then did he stop singing.

I learnt something from there tonight.

Sometimes you need to keep singing to drown out the negative.

You need to keep repeating to yourself that you are the apple of God’s eye.

You need to reassure yourself that God is mindful of you.

No matter how things look.
No matter what others say. (Even when they are very close to you”.
Just keep singing.
Keep speaking scriptures.
Just hold on to belief

So for what’s left of this week, remember to sing to drown out the voices that say what you don’t want to hear.

And remember to talk to Jesus.

He’s just a prayer away.



Unyime is a certified system auditor and a chartered accountant. She loves to read and writes regularly “Reflections from my children”. She is a mother of four with her oldest child being 14 and the youngest are a set of twins.She has a passion for God and natural skincare. Haircare and wellness.You can check her on and on Instagram on

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