• Chronicles of "Becoming a mother ",  Motherhood

    Finally, my own baby 3

    I got married in the month of September 2009, got pregnant in November the same year but miscarried 2 months later. After the miscarriage, I did not conceive again till late 2010. This pregnancy was closely monitored. In the 6th week, late November 2010, my doctor, a consultant gynaecologist performed an ultrasound and noticed that my uterus was empty, he suspected that the pregnancy was ectopic and advised to go straight home, stay in bed and return the next day to see a consultant radiologist for a confirmatory test. Unfortunately, it ruptured the following morning and an emergency surgery was carried out. God saved my life because I lost so…

  • Chronicles of !"Becoming a mother!",  Mother's Day,  Pregnancy

    Finally ,my own baby! 2

    It was a beautiful day in December twelve years ago when I tied the knot with the love of my life. Like every young couple, my husband and I started looking forward to having an addition to our family, but that dream took 5 years, and honestly, those five years felt like 50 years! And with each passing month, I waited with anticipation only to be faced with disappointment whenever I saw my period.! “Aunty Flo” was as constant as the morning sun. As the months dragged  to years, I increasingly became worried. There were several times I cried myself to sleep.  When was this going to happen? Why was…

  • By Gracilis,  Chronicles of "Becoming a mother "

    Finally ,my own baby

    While we were growing up ,we lived in a close and we had  a couple who were also  church members  on that close .They were our adopted “auntie and uncle”. My brothers and I almost by default went to their house whenever possible and if my memory serves me well, we spent some  holidays especially during the  weekends with them. We accompanied them to places and they had a very active social life. We were like their children as they did not  have kids at the time . I remember a visit  to Federal Palace Hotel, Lagos  and visiting  other notable places with them .I did  not really understand the…

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