• Mother's Day,  Parenting,  Relationship skills

    Dear Mother,…..

    …It’s taken me a long time to get here, but there are some things I need to say….. I just want you to understand the impact you’ve had in my life; I hope you know that I am the woman I am today mainly because of the woman you are. Wow! As I am sat here trying to put my pen to paper (figuratively), I don’t even know where to start. I mean even after years of my commitment to try and understand your approach to this relationship we have, I can honestly say I don’t get it. But I’d be lying if I said I learnt nothing from it.…

  • Family,  In-Laws,  Relationship skills

    What Men want …4

    We women generally love to talk and it’s not surprising that the men had something to say around this issue. “It’s very insensitive when wives talk bad about their in-laws in the presence of the husband.  That hurts deep.” This is a word for all of us and not just women; however, women seem to have mastered the weapon known as the tongue, a bit more than the men.  There are a few characters in this drama so everyone should listen up! In most cases the in-law(s) who is the subject of the matter tends to be female so only God knows what she said or did to warrant this…

  • Attitude,  By Gracilis,  Church

    Church Drama

    I looked at the topic for this month and thought o my word, I could write a tribology on this. To be honest, I have been in church all my life, I have grown up in church, in short, I was born in church. I was born in the church maternity right on the church premises, with a lot of prayers. Every time the church doors opened, I was there and I helped to close the doors on some occasions. And as the years have passed, I have seen drama upon drama. But it is just typical because the church is made up of people like you and me. Imperfect…

  • Marriage,  Relationship skills

    My 2 cents

    The average man sees women as mysteries to be solved but isn’t it fascinating that women can’t always figure out how a man’s mind works? Why else will l be writing this piece if men were the open books some claim to be? And if you’re beginning to think that a Daniel has come to judgement with the wisdom of a sage equipped to unravel the enigma that wakes up beside you each morning, l’m sorry to disappoint. I’m another bloke trying to feel my way in the dark, making sense of the vast, often poorly mapped out landscape called marriage. Maybe l should start by telling you my story.…

  • By Gracilis,  Romance,  Timeless Stories

    Making me happy

    Sitting down at my desk to write this post has not been quite easy. I was thinking I would do it quickly but have just heard about the death of someone I know who happens to be close to a few friends of mine(their Pastor) and sometimes when I hear of deaths like this, I begin to wonder if I am doing enough and doing all I can to ensure that I affect positively the lives of the people I interact with while I am alive and when I am no longer here, then I hope that the legacy I have left in my writings will provide the opportunity for…

  • Romance,  Single Life,  Wedding

    This Little Light

    There comes a time in the life of most women, when you tell yourself ‘This is it. I choose him’or ‘I accept him’, depending on how many proposals you get.  I wondered for many years how I would know the right choice to make. How do I choose one above all else, who is not Jesus?  People had asked me in the past, ‘What will he do, to prove he is ‘the one’?”  I really didn’t know the answer to that question and I told God not to tell me, but to show me, when the time was right. A friend gave me a message by a wonderful woman called…

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