Attitude,  Family,  Men Talk,  Relationship skills

What men want …3

Let me just make a confession here. Getting all this information from the men convicted me of some of my actions.

“Men are not mind readers – hence the need for clear communication.”

In fact, I am guilty of this one right now.  I have been moody for over  twenty four hours, waiting for hubby to realise that I am not myself and ask what is going on, but the guy is just carrying on as normal and my mood is not getting any better. But come to think of it, if I go and change into something skimpy and walk around the house, still wearing my moody face, I bet he will hear one message, right? Yes, there is a great need for clear communication, particularly within marriage, but here is a free tip to my brothers out there.

When you ask ‘What’s wrong?’ and she says ‘Nothing’, that is a clear indication that something is wrong.  Please take just two minutes  to sit down and give wifey a hug and ask again.

If you are in the middle of something, just give her a quick peck on the forehead and make sure you come back and ask again when you are less busy. I have communicated this clearly!

And wives, you really don’t want your husband to read your mind, so please save him the trouble and tell him what you are thinking.  Being a husband or father is no small job and if God opens our eyes for thirty seconds to see the responsibility that a good man is carrying, we would not want to add to that burden.

Let us make our husband’s job easier by telling  them what’s on our mind because if they guess wrong,  we sometimes become upset and then things become further complicated

Honestly, this is something  I have to remind  myself over and over again.


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